Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:30 a 13:30 h - 16:30 a 20:30 h.


Locations: Avenida voltaire, 3. Portal 4,1º D 11407 Jerez de la Frontera

Contact: Tlf. 956 30 69 75

Dr. Carrero Dental Clinic

In our clinic we offer you the familiar treatment of the dentists of a lifetime, attended by registered professionals of the highest level in all dental specialties.

About us

Top-level collegiate professionals

Not belonging to any franchise allows us to establish our treatments in an objective and non-commercial manner.

At Clínica Dental Dr. Carrero in Jerez your dentist will be responsible for your oral health.

We offer you high quality dentistry.


Specialists in oral implantology and orthodontics

Conservative dentistry


Orthofacial harmonisation


Paediatric Dentistry


Oral surgery and implantology

Fixed and removable prostheses and implantoprostheses


Who we are

Our professional staff

Dr. Ángel Carrero Vázquez

Pilar Carrero Rodríguez-Brioso

Experts in dental aesthetics


What do our patients say?

Great professionals, both Dr. Angel Carrero and Dr. Pilar Carrero, magnificent treatment, professionalism and efficiency. thank you very much for the treatment I will definitely come back!

Luis carrasco

Contact us

Make an appointment with no obligation